What: Summer camp is an event where incoming and past cadets train to prepare for their future JROTC school year. This camp pressures cadets to perform their best and teach them to use their resources to accomplish a given mission, as well as help them learn to work together as a team.

When: This year, summer camp is going to be held on August 7-9, 2019. Cadets will have to show up at 0700, and they will be dismissed at 1700.

Where: Everything will take place at North High School (3620 W 182nd St, Torrance, CA 90504).

Who: All cadets that are in the JROTC program, and who are attending the North High School JROTC program are welcome to come to camp.

Camelbaks should be brought to school each day of Summer Camp (if cadets do not own one, there will be one distributed on the first day of camp, Wednesday, August 7th and returned on Friday, August 9th. )

The Army Combat Uniform that was distributed over Summer Break should be worn to camp each day, and this includes patrol cap, jacket, army green undershirt, belt, pants, boots, and all hair should be uniformed. (Sock bun for long hair and for short hair no hair should be touching the cadets ears. Demonstrations for sock buns can be viewed on YouTube.)

On Thursday August 8th, all cadets will need to bring $20.00 to buy a physical training uniform that can be used throughout the school year, (if the cadet did not buy the uniform, they are allowed to wear blue workout shorts and a blue or white shirt.) and on Friday August 9th, all cadets are required to bring a change of civilian clothes to change into at the end of the day.