JROTC Alumni Student Scholarship Opportunity
Whether it be a mathematician's calculations landing a man on the moon, or a philosophers debate on morality; knowledge and education are the catalyst for change, the catalyst for growth. High school education is no longer the pinnacle of knowledge, but is only the foundation. Intellectuals of today require a bachelors, masters, or specialized degrees. Unfortunately, this knowledge does not come at an affordable cost. The scholarship was established in 2013 to allow alumni of the program to contribute to an organization instilling a unique set of skills and values that are currently changing the world. The recipient of the scholarship is an individual best representing the mission of the program "To motivate young people to be better citizens."
Students are to download the application form and follow instructions carefully. Once all material has been gathered in the appropriate format, the student is to upload all material by clicking on the link below. Please do not include your name or submit anything with your name on it (except for your transcripts), to include providing links associated with your personal accounts. Keep your identity hidden for selection purposes.
Meet cinematic martial arts master Noah Fleder (former JROTC graduate) and hear his inspiring story and powerful motivational message!